AAA -  American Automobile Association
AAD -  Analog-Analog-Digital (for recording, mixdown and mastering of CDs)
AAF -  Army Air Force (now defunct)
ABC -  American Broadcasting Company
ABS -  Anti-lock Braking System
ACD -  Auburn, Cord, Deusenburg (makers of classic cars)
ACE -  Association for Cultural Equity (Hi Anna!)
ACE -  American Cinema Editors
ACM -  American Computing Machinery
ACT -  (some standardized test for intelligence they give you in high school)
ADA -  American Dental Association
ADB -  Apple Desktop Bus
ADC -  Analog-to-Digital Converter
ADD -  Analog-Digital-Digital (for recording, mixdown and mastering of CDs)
ADD -  Attention Deficit Disor -- hey let's go ride our bikes!
ADS -  Attention Deficit Syndro -- hey what's that over there?
AFC -  American Football Conference
AFL -  American Football League
AFL -  American Federation of Labor
AFT -  Alcohol, Firearms and Tobacco (woo-hoo!)
AGC -  Automatic Gain Control
AIX -  (some bus standard on IBM computers)
AKA -  Also Known As
ALF -  Alien Life Form (yo!)
ALS -  Lou Gerhig's Disdease
AMA -  American Medical Association)
AMC -  American Motor Corporation (makers of the Gremlin, the Pacer and the Javelin)
AMD -  Advanced Micro Devices
AOK -  A-Okay
AOL -  America OnLine
APB -  All-Points Bulletin
APC -  Armored Personnel Carrier (from Aliens)
API -  Application Programming Interface
APL -  A Programming Language (no kidding!)
ARA -  Apple Remote Access
ASP -  Active Server Pages
ASL -  American Sign Language
ATC -  Automatic Traction Control
ATM -  Asynchronous Transfer Mode
ATM -  Automatic Teller Machine
AT&T -  American Telephone and Telegraph
ATV -  All-Terrain Vehicle
AWB -  Average White Band (let's pick up the pieces!)
AWD -  All-Wheel Drive

BAC -  Blood Alcohol Content
BAM -  Brooklyn Acadamy of Music
BBC -  British Broadcasting Corporation (won't you turn on the telly?)
BBL -  Bulletin Board List
BBS -  Bulletin Board Service
BCC -  Blind Carbon Copy
BFA -  Bachelor of Fine Arts
BFD -  Big Fucking Deal
BFG -  Big Fucking Gun (from the videogame Doom)
BLT -  Bacon Lettuce and Tomato
BMG -  Bertelsmann Music Group
BMI -  (a music rights administration company)
BMI -  Boody Mass Index
BMW -  Bavarian Motor Works
BMX -  Bike Moto Cross
BNC -  (some type of A/V connector)
BNL -  Barenaked Ladies (it's all right here in my boxed set.)
BOS -  British Origiami Society
BPM -  Beats Per Minute
BQE -  Brooklyn-Queens Expressway
BRB -  Be Right Back
BTW -  By The Way
BVD -  (some kind of underwear)
BYO -  Bring Your Own
BYU -  Brigham Young University

CAA -  Canadian Automobile Association
CAD -  Computer-Aided Design, or Computer-Aided Drafting
CAE -  Computer-Aided Engineering
CAM -  Computer-Aided Manufacturing
CAT -  Computerized Axial Tomagraphy
CBC -  Canadian Broadcasting Corporation
CBS -  Columbia Broadcasting Service
CCD -  Charge-Coupled Device
CDA -  Communications Decency Act
CEO -  Chief Executive Officer
CES -  Consumer Electronics Show
CFC -  (a bad chemical)
CFL -  Canadian Football League (110-yard fields and no 4th downs!)
CFO -  Chief Financial Officer
CGI -  Common Gateway Interface
CHP -  California Highway Patrol (evil bastards!)
CIA -  Central Intelligence Agency (ironically headquartered on the east coast)
CIO -  Chief Information Officer
CIO -  (a labor union)
CMU -  Carnegie-Mellon University
CMY -  Cyan Magenta Yellow
CNC -  (a music factory -- everybody dance now!)
CNE -  Canadian National Exhibition
CNN -  Cable News Network
COD -  Cash On Delivery
COM -  Common Object Model
COO -  Chief Operating Officer
COW -  Choose One Winner
CPA -  Certified Public Accountant
CPM -  Cost Per Thousand
CPR -  Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation
CPU -  Central Processing Unit
CRT -  Cathode Ray Tube
CSN -  Crosby Stills and Nash (and sometimes Y!)
CSS -  Cascading Stylesheet
CTO -  Chief Technical Officer

DAC -  Digital-to-Analog Converter
DAE -  Digital Audio Engine
DAR -  Daughters of the American Revolution
DAT -  Digital Audio Tape
DDT -  (a pesticide)
DEC -  Department of Environmental Conservation
DEC -  Digital Equipment Corporation
DDD -  Digital-Digital-Digital (for recording, mixdown and mastering of CDs)
DLC -  Downloadable Content
DHL -  (a package shipping company)
DIY -  Do It Yourself
DLL -  Dynamic Link Library
DLS -  Downloadable Sound
DLT -  Digital Linear Tape
DMV -  Department of Motor Vehicles (evil bastards!)
DMZ -  Demilitarized Zone
DNA -  Deoxyribonucleic Acid
DNS -  Domain Name Server
DOA -  Dead On Arrival
DOD -  Department of Defense
DOJ -  Department of Justice
DOS -  Disk Operating System
DPI -  Dots Per Inch
DSL -  Digital Subscriber Line
DSP -  Digital Signal Processing
DSS -  Digital Satellite Service
DTD -  Document Type Definition
DTP -  Desktop Publishing
DTV -  Digital Television
DVD -  Digital Versatile Disk

EBN -  Emergency Broadcast Network
ECG -  Electrocardiogram
EDL -  Edit Decision List
EDS -  (Ross Perot's old company (yo Scott!))
EFF -  Electronic Frontier Foundation (rocked the Fillmore, 6/26/98!)
EJB -  Enterprise Java Beans
EKG -  (makers of fine microphones)
ELO -  Electric Light Orchestra (don't bring me down!)
ELP -  Emerson Lake and Palmer (soon the Gypsy Queen in a glaze of vaseline...)
EMI -  (some record label)
EMP -  Experience Music Project (yo Paul!)
EMS -  Eastern Mountain Sports
EMS -  Emergency Medical Service
EMT -  Emergency Medical Technician
ENE -  East-by-Northeast
EPA -  Environmental Protection Agency
EPG -  Electronic Program Guide
EPS -  Encapsulated PostScript
ERA -  Earned Run Average
ERA -  Equal Rights Amendment
ESP -  Extrasensory Perception
ETA -  Estimated Time of Arrival
EWI -  Electronic Wind Instrument

FAA -  Federal Aviation Administration
FAQ -  Frequently Asked Questions
FBI -  Federal Bureau of Investigation
FCC -  Federal Communications Commission (evil bastards!)
FDA -  Food and Drug Administration (woo-hoo!)
FDR -  Franklin Delano Roosevelt
FFA -  Future Farmers of America
FMC -  Farm Machinery Corporation
FOB -  Flying Other Brother
FOV -  Field Of View
FPS -  Feet Per Second
FPS -  Frames Per Second
FSR -  Force-Sensing Resistor
FTP -  File Transfer Protocol
FTT -  Fast Fourier Transform
FYI -  For Your Information

GDP -  Gross Domestic Product
GDR -  German Democratic Republic
GED -  Graduate Equivalency Degree
GLH -  Goes Like Hell
GMC -  General Motors Corporation
GMI -  General Motors Institute
GOP -  Grand Ol' Party (evil bastards!)
GNP -  Gross National Product
GNU -  GNU is not UNIX
GPS -  Global Positioning System
GTI -  (a high-end VW)
GTO -  (a classic sports car)
GUI -  Graphical User Interface
GWB -  George Washington Bridge (a.k.a. The George)

HAL -  (a famous evil computer)
HBO -  Home Box Office
HDD -  Hard Disk Drive
HIV -  (a virus)
HMD -  Head-Mounted Display
HMO -  Health Maintenance Organization
HMS -  Her Majesty's Ship
HOV -  High-Occupancy Vehicle
HSV -  Hue Saturation Value
HUD -  Housing and Urban Development

IAB -  Internet Advertising Bureau
IBM -  International Business Machines
ILM -  Industrial Light and Magic
IMF -  International Monetary Fund
IMO -  In My Opinion
INS -  Immigration and Naturalization Services
IPO -  Initial Public Offering
IRA -  Individual Retirement Account
IRA -  Irish Republican Army
IRC -  Interval Research Corporation
IRS -  Internal Revenue Service
ISA -  (some computer bus)
ISO -  International Standards Organization
ISP -  Internet Service Provider
ITP -  Interactive Telecommunications Program (yo Red!)
ITT -  International Telephone and Telegraph

JAL -  Japan Air Lines
JDK -  ava Development Kit
JFK -  John F. Kennedy
JIT -  Just In Time
JVC -  Japan Victor Corporation
JPL -  Jet Propulsion Laboratory
JRE -  Java Runtime Engine
JSP -  Java Server Pages
JVM -  Java Virtual Machine

KFC -  Kentucky Fired Chicken
KKK -  Ku Klux Klan
KPH -  Kilometers Per Hour
KPL -  Ken's Programming Language
KPL -  Kilometers Per Liter
KPS -  Kilometers Per Second
KTP -  Kenmore-Tonawanda Police (evil bastards!)

LAN -  Local Area Network
LED -  Light Emitting Diode
LEM -  Lunar Excursion Module
LFO -  Low Frequency Oscilator
LIE -  Long Island Expressway
LOL -  Laughing Out Loud
LSD -  Lysergic Acid Diethylamide
LTD -  (a Ford automobile)

MBA -  Master of Bidniz Administration (evil bastards!)
MCI -  (a shitty communications company)
MFA -  Master of Fine Art
MGM -  Metro Goldwyn Meyer
MIA -  Missing In Action
MIS -  Management Information Systems
MIT -  Massachusetts Institute of Technology (wanted me to rule the world for them!)
MLB -  Major League Baseball
MLS -  Major League Soccer
MOO -  (an online thing kinda like a MUD)
MPG -  Miles Per Gallon
MPH -  Miles Per Hour
MPS -  Miles Per Second
MRI -  Magnetic Resonance Imaging
MSG -  Monosodium Glutamate
MSO -  Multiple Systems Operator
MSU -  Michigan State University
MTA -  Metro Transit Authority
MTM -  Mary Tyler Moore
MTV -  Music Television (once, now it stands for nothing)
MUD -  Multi-User Dungeon
MVP -  Most Valuable Player

NAB -  National Association of Broadcasters
NBA -  National Basketball Association
NBC -  National Broadcasting Corporation
NCR -  National Cash Register
NDA -  Non-Disclosure Agreement
NFC -  National Football Conference
NFL -  National Football League
NHL -  National Hockey League (how 'boot them Leafs, eh?)
NLE -  Non-Linear Editor
NNE -  North-by-Northeast
NNW -  North-by-Northwest
NPR -  National Public Radio
NRA -  National Rifle Association
NRC -  Nuclear Regulatory Commission
NSA -  National Security Agency
NTT -  Northern Telephone and Telegraph
NYC -  New York City
NYS -  New York State
NYU -  New York University

OEM -  Original Equipment Manufacturer
OLE -  Object Linking And Embedding
OMS -  Opcode Music System, a.k.a Open Music System
OOP -  Object-Oriented Programming
OPP -  Ontario Police Patrol
OTB -  Off-Track Betting

PAC -  Political Action Coalition (evil bastards!)
PBJ -  Peanut Butter and Jelly
PBS -  Public Broadcasting Service
PCB -  (some toxic chemical)
PCI -  (some computer bus)
PCM -  Pulse Code Modulation
PCP -  Angel Dust
PDA -  Personal Digital Assistant
PDQ -  Pretty Damn Quick
PFC -  Private First Class
PGP -  Pretty Good Privacy
PIC -  Personal Identification Code
PIN -  Personal Identification Number
PMI -  Private Mortgage Insurance
POG -  Passionfruit Orange Guava
POP -  Point-Of-Purchase, or Point-Of-Presence
POV -  Point Of View
POW -  Prisoner Of War
PPB -  Parts Per Billion
PPI -  Pixels Per Inch
PPM -  Parts Per Million
PPP -  (a kind of network connection)
PPQ -  Parts Per Quarter
PRS -  Paul Reed Smith
PTA -  Parent-Teacher Association
PTO -  Patent and Trademark Office
PVC -  Poly-Vinyl Chloride (yo Marla!)

QAM -  Quadrature Architecture Modulation
QED -  (Latin for "there you have it")
QEW -  Queen Elizabeth Highway
QOS -  Quality Of Service
QPS -  Quark Publishing System
QRS -  (a piano roll manufacturing company in Buffalo, NY)
QVC -  (a cable TV shopping channel)

RAM -  Random Access Memory
RBI -  Runs Batted In
RCA -  Radio Corporation of America
REM -  Rapid Eye Movement
RFC -  Request For Comments
RFK -  Robert F. Kennedy
RFP -  Request for Proposals
RGB -  Red Green Blue
RIP -  Rest In Peace
RIT -  Rochester Institute of Technology
ROI -  Return On Investment
ROM -  Read-Only Memory
RMF -  Rich Music Format
RMI -  Rocky Mountain Instruments
RMS -  Root Mean Square
RNA -  Ribonucleic Acid
RPG -  Role Playing Game
RPI -  Rensellear Polytechnic Institute
RPM -  Revolutions Per Minute
RTF -  Rich Text Format

SAG -  Screen Actor's Guild
SAP -  (a software company)
SAX -  Simple API for XML
SDK -  Software Development Kit
SEC -  Securities Exchange Commission
SFP -  St. Francis Prep
SFX -  Sound Effects
SGI -  Silicon Graphics
SIG -  Special Interest Group
SMF -  Sexy M.F.
SMS -  Short Message Service
SNL -  Saturday Night Live
SNP -  Single Nucleotide Polymorphism
SOS -  Save Our Ship or Save Our Souls
SQL -  Structured Query Language
SRO -  Standing Room Only
SSL -  Secure Socket Layer
SST -  Supersonic Transport
STP -  (a gasoline additive)
SUV -  Sport Utility Vehicle
SVA -  School of Visual Arts

TBS -  Turner Broadcasting Station
TDM -  Time Domain Manipulation
TCP -  Transport Control Protocol
THC -  (the active ingredient in marijuana (yo Gordy!))
THX -  (a sound mastering standard; from THX-1138, the most boring movie of all time)
TKO -  Techincal Knockout
TLA -  Three-Letter Acronym
TLC -  Tender Loving Care
TLM -  Tasty Little Morsel
TLW -  Three-Letter Word
TNN -  The Nashville Network
TNT -  (the active ingredient in dynamite)
TPC -  The Phone Company (from The President's Analyst)
TWA -  Trans World Airlines

UDP -  User Datagram Protocol
UHF -  Ultra High Frequency
UMC -  Upper Middle Class
UPC -  Universal Product Code
UPS -  United Parcel Service
URL -  Universal Resource Locator
USA -  The United States of America
USB -  Universal Serial Bus
USC -  University of Southern California
USN -  United States Navy
USS -  United States Ship

VBI -  Vertical Blanking Interval
VHF -  Very High Frequency
VIN -  Vehicle Identification Number
VIP -  Very Important Person
VPL -  Visible Panty Lines (from Annie Hall)
VPL -  Visual Programming Languages (yo Jaron!)

WAN -  Wide Area Network
WHO -  World Health Organization
WTC -  World Trade Center
WTF -  What The Fuck
WTO -  World Trade Organization
WWE -  World Wrestling Entertainemnt
WWF -  World Wrestling Federation
WWF -  World Wildlife Foundation
WWI -  World War One
WWW -  World Wide Web

XFL -  (a short-lived sports league)
XLR -  (a low-Z mic connector with three pins)
XLT -  'Xtra Large Tall
XMI -  XML Metadata Interchange
XML -  'Xtensible Markup Language
XSL -  'Xtensible Stylesheet Language
XTC -  (a drug, and an 80's pop band)
XXL -  'Xtra, 'Xtra Large
XXX -  (thirty, or hardcore porn)

YKK -  (a zipper company)
YYZ -  (a Rush song named after an airport code; not technically an acronym)

ZMP -  Zing-Man Productions or Zing-Man Studios
ZPG -  Zero Population Growth