MediaFlow Functions
- There are two kinds of functions in MediaFlow
- C++ functions called in the usual C++ way
- MediaFlow function objects (IFunctions)
- A MediaFlow app can use either or both kinds
- MediaFlow function objects
- are intended to support scripting or vis. prog. interface
- can be created automatically from C++ functions
- let you specify the inputs to a function call one-by-one
- perform type-checking at run-time, not compile-time
- let you retrieve the type metadata for each input
- serve as the function nodes in dependency graphs
- All time-varying data are represented as streams.
- A stream is a collection of homogeneous elements, each with an associated time span [start-time, stop-time]
- Streams for different media types have different types of elements
- video streams have images as elements
- audio streams have audio chunks as elements
- You can make a stream with any element type
- Stream iterators allow you to position based on time
Live Streams vs Stored Streams
- MediaFlow has two kinds of streams: live & stored
- Stored streams have elements that can be retrieved at any time during execution of an app
- Streams that represent media files are stored streams
- Live streams have elements that depend on live information (info received during app execution)
- Streams that represent input devices such as microphones and video cameras are live streams
Images and Video
- MediaFlow provides an abstract Image type and a set of image processing functions.
- The Image type is fairly general, and fast
- Video stream = stream whose elements are images
- Any image function can also be applied to video
Video/Image Transformation Functions
- Zoom, Crop, Scale, Rotate
- Change brightness
- Add white noise
- Clear to a constant
- Multiply by a constant
- Apply a median filter
Image Combiners
- Average weighted images together
- Composite images
Image Calculations and Alpha-Channel Specific Functions
- Test for equality
- Compute the average luminance
- Count the frequency of pixels of a given color
- Compute the motion energy between two images
- Blur, dilate, or erode, in alpha, the edges of the foreground
- Add or remove alpha channels
- Set the color of pixels with a given alpha
- Set the alpha of pixels of a given color
Video Functions
- Resample a video stream to achieve constant frame rate (good cleanup for time-warped video)
- "Shake" a video stream based on a numeric stream
- Segment video via background subtraction
- MediaFlow provides audio data types and a library of audio-processing functions
- Audio stream is a stream whose elements are audio chunks
- An audio chunk is an array of samples, roughly analogous to a frame of a video
- Typical length ranges from 1/30th to 1/2 sec
- MediaFlow provides easy, consistent access to the platform's audio input and output capabilities
- MediaFlow supports both live and stored audio with the same core set of functions
- MediaFlow provides a library of functions that analyze and process audio
Why Audio Chunks?
- Some functions do not make sense for a single amplitude sample
- Real-world digital audio I/O is often buffered
- In many applications, time granularity on the order of 1/30th of a second is fine enough
Audio Capture/Recording
- MediaFlow hides as many details as possible
- Basic capture as a live audio stream is very easy
- To record, simply copy audio chunks from a live stream to a stored stream
Summary of Audio Functions
- Mixing and Routing
- Amplitude / Dynamics
- AudioAmplify, AudioGate, AudioLimitPeaks
- AudioNormalizeLevels (simple version), AudioNormalizeLevels2 (more control)
- AudioRampLevels (apply a simple envelope)
- Simple Analysis
- DetectSounds, ChunkedVolumeStream, SmoothVolumeStream, AudioStreamGetBias
- AudioMinVolRMS, AudioMaxVolRMS, AudioMaxVolPeak
- Spectral processing
- Temporal manipulations
- Feature extraction
- speech properties (phoneme, pitch, etc.), event recognition