Mix and Master

I just completed mix and mastering five new tracks for the forthcoming record Elixr. They are: Rocket to the Moon, Sea of Tranquility, Is It Safe to Go Outside?, Now and Forever, and Black Swan. I’m not sure if this’ll be the final order of the alum side but they do make a nice program. Soon they’ll be for sale on iTunes and CDBaby, so give ‘em a listen now for free while you have the chance!

Upcoming RELIX Shows

I hope you can come out and catch my band The RELIX one of these nights. Sure to be a good time with some awesome music. We’ve learned about twenty new songs since our last show. Spread the word!

Vintage Bar and Restaurant
Saturday April 12, 2014 9pm
171 Main St, White Plains, NY 10601

Friday May 9th 9pm
227 Summer Street, Stamford, CT – 06901

For more info see nycrelix.com

Let’s Go to the Movies

The cold and snow continue. Last Wednesday we had another foot of snow, but this time is was wet and heavy and when night came it turned icy. We’re running out of places to put the snow. Cars were getting stuck everywhere. My SUV was parked in the street, and I couldn’t just roll over the snow like I usually do; I had to actually clear out under the front end and the tires with a shovel. Meanwhile my next door neighbor decided gunning his engine and spinning his wheels was the way to go. Shaw’nuff a wheel finally caught pavement his car when flying sideways off his driveway and he had to get towed out. Last night we had another few inches to make everything pretty and treacherous again.

This weekend was the ICS school musical. Michelle was one of the performers. She sang in a bunch of numbers and a had a speaking part in the finale. Lizzy graduated last year but came back to help on lights, while Jeannie ran the video recording and again I played in the band. This year the format was back to a musical review and the show included songs from a whole lotta movies from over the years. I played mostly sax, but learned the banjo for Rainbow Connection. I was able to borrow a banjo from Erik. He told me it used to be his grandfather’s and was made in the 1920’s. It played great but was a real pain to keep it in tune. Once I got the hang of it I used it on a couple other tunes, Yankee Doodle Dandy and Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious.

Of course two rehearsals were cancelled because of snow days, so it was a bit tight pulling it all together. The closing number was a Wizard of Oz medley. It required some tornado music and there was no score for any. Joanne is the piano player and she’s very good, but she’s not much on improvising, so I showed what I would do on piano if asked to come up with tornado music on the spot. I started with the wicked witch riff a few times, then held down the pedal and banged thunderously on clusters of low notes, and then gradually began working my way up and down the keyboard until it became whooshing, whirling glissandos. Meanwhile Matt the drummer was whacking away tempestuously as well. Over on synthesizer Mike was riffling thru his presets. “I have seashore. No? How about helicopter?” (Mike btw is an excellent piano player and does a solo jazz/lounge act a local bar on Fridays. He’s also the husband of the play’s director, so she was giving him some particularly displeased looks.) As Mike got to barking dogs I finished with a gentle, consonant major arpeggio. Joanne regarded me dubiously. However a few minutes later when the director roared at us “Do I have my tornado music yet?!?” , Joanne looked wide-eyed terrified for a moment and then launched into pretty much an exact rendition of my storm etude. By showtime Mike decided to ditch the sound effects and add a bass line instead.

It’s always amazing how the show comes together out of the chaos of the rehearsals. We two shows on Saturday and both performances went really well. It’s really great to see the kids who have been at it a few years getting bigger and taking on leading roles. Some of them have really amazing voices. And of course the kids really love it. Lizzy and Michelle will be singing show tunes for weeks.

This is the fourth one of these shows I’ve done, and it gets easier to learn the songs each time. Now I’m back in playing shape compared to two years ago when I started. Between these school shows, my rock band and my own practicing I must have learned over 200 songs in the last two years. There used to be a time when I could only hold 3 hours or so of music in my head before I’d start forgetting stuff. Now it seems I have much more memory capacity. Let me see if I can remember the playlist. Act I: Maybe, It’s the Hard Knock Life, I Think I’m Gonna Like It Here, The Good Ship Lollypop, Moon River, Swinging on a Star, Get Happy, Talk to the Animals, High Hopes, We Need a Little Christmas, I Just Can’t Wait to Be King, and Time Warp. Intermission. Act II: That’s Entertainment (Entr’acte), Pure Imagination, The Candy Man, The Age of Aquarius, Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious, Yankee Doodle Boy, Hail Holy Queen (a real showstopper), Ghostbusters, Rainbow Connection, Over the Rainbow, Tornado Music*, Ding Dong the Witch is Dead, Munchkin Land, Lullaby League/Lollipop Guild, Follow the Yellow Brick Road/We’re Off to See the Wizard, and Hooray for Hollywood! (curtain calls).

Still Rock’n’Roll to Me

The other night I took Jeannie and the girls to see Billy Joel at Madison Square for her birthday. Billy is one of Jeannie’s all-time faves and it was Michelle’s first arena concert, so they were all very excited. Billy’s grown on me over the years too. Last time I saw him was in the 80’s at the height of his pop phase and at the time I thought he was pretty cheesy. He spent a few years not doing much and somehow emerged as one of the all-time greats of rock. Now he’s not exactly touring, but doing one show a month at the Garden, supposedly indefinitely until he stops selling out. I might go back again in the summer.

He’s never sounded better. Since he’s put on weight his voice has more power and resonance, and a soulfulness it never had before. Billy’s piano playing keeps on improving too. He reminds me of Bud Powell, with hands like bear paws flying around while his fingers hardly seem to move. We had great seats BTW, directly behind the stage looking down at the band. I could see Billy’s hands quite clearly and I can tell you he doesn’t always follow the way the music is in the book!

Billy has a great band too. He’s got nine players and between then cover all the sounds from all his different styles and really nail the sound of the record. Horns, guitars, synths, drums, percussion, everything. This group has been together a long time and have a really good collective vibe and are really tight.

Yet at the same time the set was pretty loose. Billy kept on throwing in improvisations, bits of other songs, changing the lyrics to little jokes (“It’s a pretty good crowd for a snow day”), and extemporaneous raps between songs. He was celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Beatles’ coming to America, and threw in part or most of When I’m Sixty-Four, The Night Before, and A Hard Day’s Night, as well as Let It Snow and Layla as intros/interludes. At one point he looked at the next song on the set list (I could read it off the teleprompter) and played a different song entirely.

As far as the actual set goes, Billy played alot of deep tracks mixed in with the big hits, and skipped all of his songs I don’t like. Highlights include Miami 2017, Vienna, Zanzibar, Allentown, Movin’ Out, Captain Jack, New York State of Mind, Always a Woman, River of Dreams, and Scenes From an Italian Restaurant. I checked the set list from his January show and he did about half the same songs and half other stuff. The encores were Big Shot, Still Rock and Roll to Me, You May Be Right, and Only the Good Die Young.

Great show. Happy birthday honey!

Super Winter

January was very, very cold. Some people have told me it was the coldest on records in 20 years. It was down to 3 or 5 degrees a lot of mornings, and even on warm days it only got into the teens. It takes a lot of energy to endure the extreme cold and by the end it feels like a miracle to survive. Luckily no on in the family got sick, although pleanty of people were out at the office.

Last week two of the guys in our band called in sick for practice, the lead singer and one of the guitarists. So Mike the bassist and I split the vocals. Some of our songs worked better as a quartet than others, so toward the end of session we just started calling songs to jam. I called two from the Infinigon days that went over so well we added them to our set. One is Burnin’ for You by Blue Öyster Cult. The other is Money by Pink Floyd. I had heard Mike jamming on the opening riff to warm up once before so I knew he knew it.

February came and started with a really warm weekend. It was up into the 40’s on Saturday and the 50’s on Sunday. Everything melted, and I even started up my Mustang and let it idle in the driveway for 20 minutes or so. I thought of taking for a drive, but the roads were all full of slush and salt, so I waited.

Today it’s heavy snow again. Already to 6” or so since I woke up. And in the middle of if the tree people finally showed up to take the logs off our yard and cur down the stunp. They’re at it now with a giant truck-crane-claw and a chainsaw. I’ll bet the lawn underneath is totally trashed but at this rate it’ll be quite a while before I can see it.

New Recording: Now and Forever

Here’s a new recording of Now and Forever, a jazzy ballad. You may recall Michelle came up with the lyric and the tune a couple years back (she was in third grade at the time; she’s now in fifth) and I helped her put it into shape and work out the arrangement. We recorded it for Jeannie for mother’s day. I liked it so much I decided to do my own version. I ended up making it a duet, so Michelle is still singing on the track. It came out very nicely.

I’ve also been experimenting with EQ on the bass, since that’s one of the keys to a really good sounding mix. Been trying to get more power and definition in the low end while removing the mud. You can hear new mixes of Is It Safe? and Black Swan.

I think this set of tunes is pretty much done, except for final mixing and mastering. We’re up to five, which is a good album side. Now it’s onto the next batch of partly-written tunes that need to get fleshed out. I’ll let you know in a while how that’s coming along.

Music Site Update: Elixr

Back from xmas break. Had a brief trip upstate to visit family and friends. Heavy weather driving both ways. Great to see everyone and glad the everyone is doing well. My dad got eye surgery and for the first time in my life doesn’t need to wear glasses anymore. Discovered the Hamburg Brew Pub.

The new year is off to a cold and snowy start. Last night we had a foot of snow, canceling my band practice. Both the kids had no school today, extending our xmas break. Took a good hour and change to shovel out, even with Lizzy’s help. Luckily the snowblower started right up after not being used for almost a year.

I’ve been updating the music section of my web site at zingman.com/music. I’ve added a link for The Relix, and added links to the new tracks on the Buzzy Third page, Is It Safe to Go Outside? and Black Swan, which prettty much bring me up to an album side. I changed the working title of the third Buzzy Tonic record to Elixr. It’s an anagram of Relix and also a play on the whole Buzzy Tonic theme.

I also came up with a logo, which makes a much better place holder for the eventual album cover than what I had before. This particular task has been on my todo list for a whole year; indeed made a sketch last xmas vacation. Constructing something like this in the computer is extremely tedious for me, so instead I drew it by hand and traced over in sharpie to get the right combination of precision and looseness. This is a technique I used a lot in college when I was studying design and architecture. Then I scanned it and played around with filters in photoshop until I caem up with something I liked. It’s been a long time since I used photoshop this way. I was able to achieve a rich look buy building up lots of layers of effects with varying transparency, a lot you’d build up layers using paint.

Even though I like how it turned out the colors don’t particularly match what I had going on the BZ3 page. Like I said it’s a placeholder for the eventual album cover, so I’ll continue to play with it. Meanwhile enjoy!

New Recording: Is It Safe?

Just in time for winter, I finally finished a rough mix of Is It Safe to Go Outside?.

Musically it’s sort of a power-pop song, but with some clever interplay of parts and a bass line that seems to turn the time around. The song was written by Martin and my version is based on his demo. In fact I kept his original guitar and bass parts. The song has been mostly done for a while, but it took a long time to track the backing vocals and piano parts. My velocity on the recording project is down this year, because first I was finishing my book and then I joined a band was focused on learning new songs and upgrading my gear. Now that’s all done and hopefully progress will level out again. I have a few more mostly finished songs that I hope to polish off soon, and then a few halfway-written ones to dig into in the new year.

Reindeer Games

Rewinding again to catch you up, and like I said we been busy. Thanksgiving day we woke up and realized for the first time since Labor Day we have a stretch of four or five hours where no one had something they needed to do or anyplace they needed to be. We had TG dinner out on Long Island with family. A very nice day. Next day we declared Slack Friday, in which we all laid around the house and played videogames and that sort of thing, and diligently avoided the mall. Jeannie turned me on to Candy Crush. Finally something useful I can do on my Android thingie.

Last few weeks have been busy at work. Year-end reviews. Planning. Strategic planning, technical planning, roadmaps, many meetings. It looks like the whole middle-tier project is a go. More on that as it unfolds. We’ll be taking the ring to Mordor in a fellowship of nine companions. Hope we don’t run into any spiders.

We only have three weeks between TG and Xmas this year, compressing the whole works. Getting the tree up and all the decorations, doing the cards, shopping for gifts. We’re up to twelve nieces and nephews this year, as well as two wonderful kids, and a wife and siblings and in-laws and everyone else. I guess that’s a blessing if there ever was one. The good news is we figured out good gift ideas for almost everyone by now and have most of them bought.

We’ve gotten snow three times now in the last week, mixed with a bit of sleet and freezing rain. We have a good 6″ on the ground now, maybe more but not yet a foot. Also our front yard is full of giant logs. The tree people finally came to chop down our elm tree, but they only did half the job. They cleared away the minor branches, left all the big limbs on the ground and the trunk is still standing. It’s amazing how tall that tree is. Still over 100 feet without the crown. I wonder if I can sell the wood for lumber.

They’ve been canceling and rescheduling the kid’s event left and right cuz they’re all very skittish about the weather. Up in Buffalo they get three feet of snow and they just carry on, but not down here. Last night Lizzy had her Christmas show, rescheduled from Saturday, with her group Young at Arts. They’re very good and do fairly highbrow stuff like Benjamin Britten and Aaron Copeland, and some pop stuff too. Lizzy is in the a capella group, whose performance of Leonard Cohen’s Hallelujah was to me the highlight of the show. They had the whole hall spellbound. Michelle was in the Xmas pageant at ICS tonite, which was carols and the nativity story, very warm and festive. Saw lots of friends from school I haven’t seen a while.

Three more days until vacation. One more big demo deadline. We’ve all been extremely busy and can use a break. The big thing I’ve had to let slide is my ongoing recoding project. Over the weekend I finally finished tracking Is It Safe?, adding some backing vocals. I have three songs pretty much ready for mixing: Is It Safe?, Now and Forever, and Black Swan. In addition I have three older songs that I want to tweak/remix: Rocket to the Moon, Sea of Tranquility, and Karn Evil 9, 2nd Impression. This will give me an album side, with the ELP tune as a bonus track. My goal is to have this done by the new year and start in on a batch of new tunes in January.

Relix Rewind

Rewinding a bit, The Relix played two shows the week before Thanksgiving. Both went well and some great moments, but revealed some things we need to work on. For the first show, we had some feedback issues with Lee’s hollowbody and pedalboard interacting with the PA, and some issues with the vocals not being loud enough. Lee’s gonna start bringing his rig to rehearsal rather than use the house setup until he has some better control of his sound. Also we’re gonna do a vocal-only practice soon and set up our PA and see if we can make sound killer or if we should replace it with a newer board with better reverbs. The other issue is we need to figure out how to draw a bigger crowd. The Thanksgiving Eve show was kinda disappointing because we all knew it’s a good bar night, but the weather – freezing rain mixed with snow – kept people away. Still it was a good show on a musical level and a fun time.

Here’s a video montage of the show at Victor’s.

And here’s some pictures, mainly of gig at Seaside.

After Thanksgiving half the band was sick and one guy fell off a ladder putting up Christmas decorations. I’ve been fighting a cold and sore throat on and off. Not enough to knock me out but enough to make my singing kinda croaky. This week we finally got together for a rehearsal. We spent about half the session tightening up endings and transitions, and the rest of the time on new material. We ran down six songs, all of which feel like keepers: Domino by Van Morrison and Touch Me by the Doors were both suggestions of mine. Domino is just a great feelgood song and gives us another horn-oriented 60’s tune while getting away from the Motown thing. Touch Me has some really weird changes when you try to work ‘em out, and one of the all-time classic sax solos. The others were Are You Gonna Be My Girl by Jet, a bit of change of direction for us, and Runaround by Blues Traveler, which has a great harp part for Paul, and Devil With the Blue Dress/Good Golly Miss Molly, which is right in our core zone.