Photo Galleries Update

One of things I like to do in the wintertime is update my photo galleries.  This year it’s taken a bit longer than usual because of moving into my new computer.  Here are three Family and Friends Foto galleries, going back all the way to last spring and bringing us up to date thru the first half of the summer.  As usual they are password protected, so if you are friends and family and need the password, please contact me.

View Out the Window

Of all the buildings in New York City the one I work in seems to most resemble Orthanc, the tower of Saruman.  Sometimes I even wonder if we keep Wizards on the roof.  I’ve worked in a number of different offices on different floors with different views, and find the endless changes in seasons, weather and lighting fascinating.  A year ago I moved from the west side of the building to the east, and the view changed from looking down over Hell’s Kitchen across the Hudson and New Jersey all the way to the Poconos, to looking down onto Times Square with the occasional glimpse of Brooklyn and Queens beyond. I put up a gallery of these two views Now I’ve moved again, to the south side where the view is basically the building next door.


Before we get too far into summer I thought I’d take a moment to update my online photo galleries with pictures from last fall, winter and spring. My how the time flies. I have three new galleries. The first is a general one, covering birthdays and xmastime and various house projects and a selection of photos that Lizzy took of things that interest her. Then there’s one from our trip to the Caribbean last winter (Aaah!) and to Mohonk last spring (thanks Martin for supplying most of these). These are friends and family galleries, so the site is password protected. Please contact me if you want the password. But, people in the wider world, an update to the pubic galleries is in the offing, including all kinds of new origami (are you surprised?) and a study of the New York City skyline.

Fotoz 2007 Summer III

Well, it’s still January. The season of darkness and cold, fated by the alignment of cosmic entities. But at least I’ve been taking advantage of time spent inside to move into my new Mac and get my photo publishing software up and running. So here are two more galleries from last summer.

As usual, these galleries are for friends and family and are password protected. If you are friends and/or family and need a password, please send me an email.

Meanwhile, here’s a sampling of the pix:

Fotoz 2007 Summer II

Well, it’s January. At least the days are getting longer and it’s twilight instead of actual nighttime when we get up in the morning again. But the holidays are over and the deep part of winter is upon us. Apart from the skiing there’s not much I enjoy about being outside this time of year. So it’s all about beating the cold.

And what better way than to flash back to the warm part of the year? I’ve been making galleries of pictures I’ve taken, but I remain about 6 months behind real time. So here are some pics from a camping trip from last July:

These galleries are for friends and family and are password protected. If you are friends and/or family and need a password, please send me an email.

Meanwhile, here’s a sampling of the pix:

Fotoz 2007 Summer I

It’s that time again. I just put up two new photo galleries from this summer, June and July. I probably have about 3 more galleries to post to get thru to the end of the summer.

These galleries are meant for friends and family, and are password protected. If you think you are friends and/or family, and need a password, please send me an email.

Also, I created an index page for the public galleries, since I now have more than one. You can expect that to grow in the time ahead, albeit in a more random fashion.

Meanwhile, here’s a sampling of the pix.