Music Update Part 1: Da Bass

You might wonder what I’ve been doing musically in the time between records. Rest assured, I’ve already started planning my next album, but there a few things I need to care of first. More on that soon.

Meanwhile, one thing I’ve been doing is woodshedding the bass. I want to improve the bass parts on my songs, which too often play a set pattern that follows the left hand of the piano rather than jam out and groove. I went thru a Geddy Lee phase a while ago, and learned the bass parts to a few Rush songs, including Xanadu. I even toyed with the idea of getting a Stienberger or Rickenbacker to get that punchy, toppy prog sound. (Although last tour I saw Rush, Geddy was playing a Fender Jazz.) But while I love writing in out meters and all that, I haven’t really been able to make his style of playing work with my songs, and have been looking for a less chopsy, more soulful direction.

My bass is a Fender P, and I’ve been reinvestigating my roots in the p-bass pantheon. I recently got a couple of books to study. One is R&B Bass masters, that has chapters on guys like James Jamerson, Chuck Rainey and Donald “Duck” Dunn, with a bio and a lesson. The lessons include drum parts that they suggest you lay into a sequencer, which have really specific annotations like “54% swing”. The other books is transcriptions to the bass parts from the first two Led Zeppelin albums. It all started one day a few weeks back when I picked out the bass part to Moby Dick, and thought it might be good to learn The Lemon Song. But I figured it’d be a lot easier just to read the parts than work them out by ear, so looked for the book and shaw’nuff someone had written it.

I remember as kid being captivated by John Paul Jones’s bass playing, and even with so much awesomeness going on in the rest of the music just listening to the bass over and over. Some of the he-man-woman-hater-club lyrics seem a little trite to me after all these years. The Lemon Song reminds me for all the world of the Chuck Jones Grinch Grinch cartoon. “You ain’t nothing but a no good two bit jive – with arsenic sauce!”

In any event, perhaps unique among hard rock and metal players, JPJ has a solid grounding in soul and R&B, and his riffs show it. (After 1970 or so it seemed all the English groups forgot how to use 7th chords. Maybe this was around the time Jimmy Page sold his soul to Lord Voldemort, who took back the 7th chord like the Ursula took Ariel’s voice, I dunno.) And it turns out the parts are not that hard. The electric bass is in fact just about the easiest instrument to play, provided you have big strong hands. It’s all about the groove and the musicality. There’s tons of great chromatic passing tone ideas and syncopation, almost straight out of bebop. Then laying into the heavy fourthsy stuff. Looking forward to getting it together to the point where I can cop some riffs.

California Pics

Okay, here you go. Five galleries of pics of our trip to California, plus a few upfront to whet you appetite. As always the family and friends fotoz are password protected, so contact me if you need the password. Enjoy!


With the mastering for my album being almost done, I thought it was time to start thinking about the cover image. Last time around I made a drawing, but for this one I want to do something different. My current idea is to use some watercolor artwork by my kids. They’re very into watercolor painting and have come up with some that focus more on color on texture than representation and form. Lizzy in particular is in a sort of Jackson Pollack phase there days. I may use just one or may take a few and layer and recombine them in Photoshop. in any event the other night I scanned a bunch. We have a big set of closet doors in our downstairs which is an art wall, but it’s gotten pretty full. So I made them into a web gallery to share.

Promises of Spring

The weather has been really nice the last few days, with sunshine and temperatures getting up into the 50’s. Despite this there are still snow piles stubbornly clinging to existence. We had so much snow they haven’t completely melted yet. My back injury continues to improve slowly but steadily. I’m no longer doing my regular workout, just the exercises my physical therapist prescribed, plus plenty of walking. I’m hoping to reintroducing some parts from my regular workout this week. With luck I’ll be pretty much back to normal by the time the weather is good enough to start doing things outside.

Meanwhile I finished updating my Friends and Family photo galleries thru the fall and the holidays. This year I may have a few videos worth sharing, so look for that update soon. And as always, contact me if you need the password.

Dreaming About Summer

As the winter continues to wind out its dreary way, I’ve been passing the time preparing three new photo albums from last spring and summer. Ah, look at all the greenery and sunshine. All caught up thru mid-July.

These are in the family and friends gallery, so contact me if you need the password.

New Mexico Fotoz

Okay here it is.  We took almost 600 pictures on our trip last month, and from that I distilled four galleries of pictures.  If you follow along with my post describing the trip you can probably figure out where every shot was taken.  Good luck

For those of you who don’t want to look at lots and lots of rocks (Hi Mom!) I posted a few images to give you the flava below.  For everyone else, follow the links.  If you need the password, please let me know.

Photo Gallery Update 2

It was nice to finally have a weekend to relax and catch up on things with no major projects underway. I completed my photo gallery updates, brining us up to date thru the new year.  Now that I’ve finished moving all my pictures into my new computer, the process for these has become more streamlined, so hopefully I’ll be doing updates more often than once a year going forward.  As usual they are password protected so contact me if you are friends and family.

A Trip To The Aquarium

Last week the kids had a four-day weekend, so I took a day off from work to take the girls on a special outing.  We went to the Maritime Aquarium in Norwalk, CT.  They had a bunch of cool stuff there including seals, sharks, sea turtles, lionfish, flounder, crabs, jellyfish, and an octopus.  Also some cool models of sailing ships, and a whole room full of frogs and amphibians, including a tank of rare axolotls.  (My friend Seth once had these cool creatures as pets.)

Lizzy took a ton of pictures and I made them into a gallery.  Also the girls are guest bloggers tonight, telling about it in their own words.

Hello my name is Elizabeth.  Or you can call me Lizzy.  I also like Liz.  Or Eliz.  I love chipmunks.  CHIPMUNKS!  I know they don’t even swim.  But I love them…  Right fish hahaha bing bam bang buuuuurp.  Excuse me. The seals were SOOOOO cute.  The turtles with human heads were also pretty cool.  We got to touch horseshoe crabs, stingrays and starfish.  The sharks were amazing.  Michelle loved them.  They have new African penguins that were SOOOOO cute.  There was a giant sea turtle there.  It was HUUUUUUGE!!!  I told Chippy all about it.  Thank you Daddy for taking a day to take us to the aquarium.  I know how busy you are.    : – )

Hello my name is Michelle.  I hate the sharks.  I love the African Penguins.  The Jellyfish didn’t sting me.  Did you know that I watched the seals and I’ve seen what they eat?  It’s fish.