Picture Time

Here’s some pictures of some recent goings-on. First off, I put up a gallery from Lizzy’s sweet sixteen party. Drop me a line if you need the password.


Then there’s a some pictures from OrigaMIT and the AMNH Holiday tree. BTW today I learned the Tyrannosaurus Rex exhibit in the museum is now 100 years old. It was the first T-Rex ever discovered, the first ever mounted for public display and the only one out there for 50 years or so. The museum’s director at the time sponsored a research expedition (among many others) to go out and dig in Montana. The scientists actually brought back to two partial skeletons from the same site, put them together and mounted them, and gave the species its name. Apparently it was a huge hit at the time. And even though the bones were in the ground for 70 million years or more, 100 years seems like a really long time.

Fotoz Update Part 1

Spring teases us with false promises and winter holds on with one final desperate gasp. Over the weekend enough snow had melted that I was finally able to clean up the debris left behind by the removal of my old elm tree. The good news is the town is supposed to come and grind out the stump and plant a new tree. We’ll see if they keep their word.

Meanwhile, as we begin to make plans to go aout and play in the coming year, can there be a better time go back thru last year’s pictures and make some albums and relive some fond memories. I put up the first two albums, which cover the period from the xmastime thru the end of the school year. Highlights include a trip upstate for the holidays, a trip the Caribbean, and Lizzy’s graduations from middle school. As always these galleries are for family and friends, so if you need a password drop me a line.

Fotoz Update

It looks spring is like finally here. Today it was mild and mainly sunny, and we started in on spring yardwork in earnest, scraping off all the old leaves and debris, doing some trimming and planting a few lilies. I also go the mustang out for the first ride of the season.

The main news is that I updated my photo galleries up the end of the year 2012. The most of the pics are from our trip to Florida last summer. As always, these galleries are for friends and family and password protected, so if you need the login info please contact me. Enjoy!