It feels like spring is really right around the corner. We had a few arm and sunny days, but surely it will revert to stormy and cold in the days ahead. Probably not much hope left for skiing.
However, life comes at you fast and it’s time to move forward. We’ve begun the spring cycle of yardwork, having raked off the old leaves and debris, and panted some new stuff in the flowerbeds. Good to spend some time outside. Next weekend hopefully I’ll get the Mustang out on the road. Meanwhile Michelle is home for spring break, and has been busy baking.
Last week I completed a major project at work. We migrated the backend our of app Permission Slip from of homespun R&D server hosted on Heroku to CR’s enterprise infrastructure. This involved alot of people from alot of teams, and alot coordination and development effort. As the deadline grew near, I ended up quarterbacking alot things just to be sure nothing fell thru the cracks. In the end, the cutover went smoothly and everyone was very happy with the result. The Innovation Lab VP Ben said to me that my presence raised our group’s credibility with the organization, which I consider a huge compliment.
Meanwhile in the recoding studio, I finished tracking and mixing Sisyphus Blues, the last song for my upcoming Buzzy Tonic record Plutonium Dirigible. Now it’s on to final mixing and mastering, and releasing the record sometime this spring. So watch this space for updates on that.
And not a moment too soon. This Saturday was the long-awaited recording session for my jazz group Spacecats. We did a whole album, ten songs, in one day. All in all, it couldn’t have gone better. Now it’s on to mixing and editing. Lots to say about the songs, the session, and how it all came together. So watch this space for storytelling and updates on that too.
Finally, been busy putting together more fotoz galleries, and have a bunch of new ones to present. I’m up to halfway thru our Italy trip, which is Rome and Naples. I usually try to get the year’s fotoz galleries done by the first day of spring, but last year was our biggest travel year by far, so there’s still a ways to go. We’ll see if I make it.