The Epic

Just got back from a ski trip up to Gore Mountain in the Adirondacks.  A month ago it looked like we might not even have a ski season this year, but this was our fourth trip, and our first to a big mountain in many years.  I’ve never been to Gore before.  It’s very nice, on the level of places I’ve skied in Vermont.  It’s a big mountain with lots of terrain and lots of lifts, and the snow conditions were excellent, with fresh powder on top a groomed base of several significant recent snowfalls.  Good as any snow I’ve skied on the last few years.  

The mountain is owed and run by New York State, which is nice in that it’s not all overdeveloped with condos.  However, that means there’s not a lot of places to stay nearby, and it’s a four-hour drive from our house.  So we drove up Friday night and stayed in Lake George, about a half hour away.  The hotel had a nice dinner and a bar featuring maple-bacon old fashions, and a basic breakfast of coffee and muffins.  

Fresh snow was falling Saturday morning, on top of a large snowfall earlier in the week.  We met our friends Mark and Kelly at the base lodge; they came down from the high peaks area to the north.  It was a great day skiing.  I’d finally gotten comfortable on my new skis, and it was great to be able to go all out on good conditions.  The mountain was too big to keep count of how many runs we did, and the runs were much longer than a place like Catamount anyway.  It felt like we went all over the mountain, but we really only explored one quadrant.  We mainly did blue runs, and spent alot of time in a zone served by the North Lift, where there was a good set interconnected trails, all of which were very beautiful.  The lift didn’t have long lines because you had to take several trails and lifts to get there.  We skied for about three hours then tool a break for lunch at a lodge up on the mountain, then went out for another hour and a half until we were exhausted.  The last few runs we went all the way up and down again, over 2,000 feet vertical.

Afterwards we went back to Mark and Kelly’s, about and hour and half further north.  Mark built a fire and made us an excellent dinner and we talked and sipped whiskey until late into the night.  Kelly turned me on the records of Alice Coltrane.

I would definitely go back to Gore for a weekend again.  But not this season cuz it’s an overnight trip.  Still, there’s a big snowstorm on the way upstate, even though it’s rain down in New York City, and we get yet get in one more ski trip before spring arrives.

Mr. Gone

It is with a mix of sadness and admiration that I note the passing of Wayne Shorter, one of the great sax players of all time, a legendary improviser and innovator, one of the all-time great jazz composers, one of my musical heroes, and just a giant in the world of jazz.  His influence, legacy and spirit will long endure.

CFC3 in Bogota, Part III

By the third day of the conference I was deep into a bunch of origami ideas, folding silently at me desk while listening to the other speakers.  Most of these ideas centered on icosahedron geometry developed from a triangle grid: stellated and dimpled icosahedra, that kind of thing. This is of course perfectly acceptable behavior at an origami event, provided the rustling of your paper isn’t so loud as to be disruptive.  One session on freeform creative folding led me into another new and interesting direction somewhere in the crossover zone between abstract and figurative.

The conference ended mid afternoon and we had a few free hours before the next event, so Jeannie and decided to check out the Museo del Oro, which was right in the neighborhood.  Oro is Spanish for gold, and the museum features an amazing collection of gold art and artifacts, mainly from the pre-Colombian era.  The region was historically rich in gold, and gave rise to the legend of El Dorado.  Interestingly, most of the people we met identified as indigenous or mestizo, saying thing things like “when the Spanish arrived they took all our gold, and burned all our paper.”  The pieces in the museum were just amazing in terms of craft and artistry, and full of religious and cosmological imagery and significance.  Some were ancient, going back to prehistoric times.  It’s a bit like how in Europe everything has an older, Roman layer; here it’s pre-Spanish.

Back at the hotel, the first post-convention activity was the Autobus de Fiesta, or Party Bus.  Basically the bus drove around while everyone salsa danced and drank shots of Ouzo the came from a cardboard box pored into a half gourd shell you wore on string around your neck.  After an hour or so we climbed up into the foothills to a spot with a scenic overlook of the city, where local twentysomethings on motorcycles came to smooch with their dates.  There were also some food stands serving things like grilled meat and empanadas.  When we got back, a bunch of our local friends invited to come along to the local salsa bar, where the drinking and dancing continued late into the night.  Beers were like fifty cents each, so I bought everyone a round.  Someone bought a bottle of rum. An attractive woman was teaching me dance steps.  

The music everywhere was great, and fascinating to northern ears, and evoked a pleasant and relaxed mood.  Their broad term for all latin music is salsa.  The music we heard encompassed a variety of genres, including reggae, dub, modern electronic pop, traditional Cuban and samba, what I think of as salsa, and a variety of other Caribbean and South American styles.  But just as all North American music from big band swing to modern alternative rock emphasizes the backbeat, everything down there has the clave pattern.  Indeed, one of the songs I knew on the party bus was Informer by the famous Canadian rapper Snow (from his record 12″ of Snow), but remixed with a salsa beat.

Monday morning Jeannie and didn’t feel like getting up to get on the bus by 8am for the tour de jour, so we slept in late and did our own thing that day.  The main event was going up to Monserrate, a monastery up in the mountains at the edge of town.  You have to take a gondola to get there, and it’s above 10,000 feet (3 kilometers) elevation.  It’s full of beautiful architecture and gardens and views of the city, and fun to walk around.  For lunch we split a plate of grilled meats – three kinds of sausages, chicken, and two kinds of beef.  The stations of the cross there was a great piece of environmental art, situated along a winding mountain path so that you’re walking uphill the whole time, and due to the elevation, every time you got to the next station you had to stop and catch your breath.

That night a bunch of us went out to a fancy dinner at one of the nice restaurants in town.  Their specialty was – you guessed it – grilled meats.  The was a moment of confusion when we looked at the menu and the prices were shown as $60 for a steak.  Did that mean $60 US, or $60.000 pesos (about $12 US)?  It turned out the prices were in pesos.  They also served something I had seen my entire time in South America – a salad!  The man I was sitting next to, Eduardo, came from Buenos Aires, and his flight was twice as long as mine!

Tuesday was our last day in Colombia, and we did a tour with the group.  It was a two-hour bus ride out into the mountains, and everyone continued to talk about origami and other things, and we got to see a bit of the countryside.  We stopped for breakfast at a coffee and pastry shop in some little village, very picturesque.  The main event was a national park with a hike to a high elevation lake in a natural bowl formation.  The lake is bright green due to algae that grows in it, but the algae is quite a way beneath the surface, and no one knows now deep it actually is.  Various theories have been advanced for the lake’s formation, including a meteor impact, a volcano, and my favorite, a solid gold meteor that opened up a portal to another to another dimension if you can swim deep enough.  Apparently the whole region is rich in copper and gold, and ancient kings used to put on golden apparel and wade into the lake, where they’d shed the garments and emerged renewed and purified.  This too became part of the El Dorado legend.

We had lunch at a place in a little town on the shores of a man-made lake, much larger and still quite high up in the mountains, a reservoir for a hydroelectric plant.  The town was very quaint and charming, and apparently was something like a vacation resort.  It was originally designed for villagers who were going to be flooded out of their homes to have a place to relocate to.  But the story goes that the villagers didn’t want to relocate, and holed up in the church as an act of resistance, whereupon the government blew up the church.  I guess that means there’s a blown-up, very likely haunted church at the bottom of the lake.  

Anyway, lunch was again mainly grilled meats and empanadas, but this time I got the soup, the very same dish depicted on my chocolate wrapper a few days before.  Yummy!

The bus finally made it back to the hotel sometime after dark, and it was basically time to say our goodbyes and head off to the airport.  I should thank Maria, who is the head of the Bogota local origami group, and was the main organizer fo everything in Bogota, our hostess and tour guide, who made sure everyone was safe and well oriented and having good time.  Mucho gracias, Maria!  Thanks to Ilan as well, the leader of the CFC organization and the conference talks and panels.  He has a long term vision for what origami can become and how to use CFC to help it get there.  Thanks also to Jorge, Gerardo, Diego, Matt, Madonna, Leyla, John, Jared, James, and the rest of the conference volunteers, presenters, and attendees.  I really hope to get back to an origami convention in Bogota again someday.

Before we got off the bus, Maria told everyone who was going to the next day’s tour an hour early, because there were protests scheduled and these often turn into riots.  I guess this is what the U.S. government warned us against.  Ah well, good thing we were leaving.  

The flight home was uneventful.  It was an overnight flight, and again we were able to take advantage of the sky lounge to sip some whiskey before boarding, and get some good rest on the plane.  I found out later that the very next day the airport terminal at JFK where we landed at caught fire, and they were turning back flights from around the world as far away as New Zealand.  Good think that didn’t happen to us.  

Nevertheless, I feel like the pandemic may finally be over and the world returning to normal, at least for travel.

Also, I’ve updated by CFC artist profile here.  Includes free diagrams!

Going Down

Today is the fifth Monday of January, almost certainly no one’s favorite day of the year.  I’ve been trying to shake the doldrums of winter.  Lots of rainy and sunless days. Work has been busy and my increasing load of meetings and random tasks means less time to focus on writing software. Michelle went back up to school yesterday, so the nest is empty once again.

Guess what, I’m in a D&D campaign again!  Our last one ended over a year ago when Michelle went off to college.  Last week out of the blue my friend Mark H. up in the Adirondacks asked me if I wanted to join his group.  So I came up with a few ideas for characters, all of them different kinds of fighter/magic-user combinations.  One was Fingongolfinger, an elvish fighter/wizard, an attempt to re-create the classic elf type from the original D&D game.  Fights with a sword and longbow, and casts spells like fireball and lightning bolt.  But the party already had and elvish wizard.  The second was Hiro Ünliikli, a Dragonborn barbarian/sorcerer. This would’ve been pretty wild and weird, but the party already had Teifling, which was weird enough.

The one they liked the best was Grimli Son of Groin, a dwarvish cleric whose deity is Thor.  He fights with a magic warhammer and axe and shield, and has spells like spiritual weapon, and other spell to boost his and party’s fight ability, endurance, and resistance.  He started at level seven and the DM gave him a bunch of cool magic items.  I’m very stoked.

We had our first session last week, over zoom, and I met the party, Mark’s friends, and the whole thing was fun and easygoing. They’ve been playing long enough to have their own tone and rhythm and in-jokes.  I came at a time when they were choosing where to go for the next major adventure, so there was alot of roleplaying and backstory, but no actual combat.  

Only problem is the group meets on Wednesdays, which is the night of my rehearsal jazz group. As luck would have it that was cancelled last week and again this week.  I’ve been thinking of leaving anyway since the group isn’t all that good.  It’s more like going to the gym for sax playing and improvisation over real book tunes than anything else.  But I kinda wanna find a new and better group to replace it.  I’ve been thinking of signing up for a jazz workshop in the city to maybe meet some new and better players.

Happily Spacecats, which rehearses on Thursday, is still fun and creative and sounding better than ever.  My new song Los Gatos de Cosmos, is developing nicely.  But I feel like we need to find some gigs.

In other news, they finally got some snow upstate, so on Saturday we went skiing for the first time this season.  Good to spend time outside doing something physical and get away from staring at the computer screen.  If you recall I took seven years off from skiing, and started again two seasons ago.  At the time I bought new boots and demoed skis on the mountain.  Last year we went skiing three times, up from one the year before.  This year we’re hoping to beat that.

I demoed skis last year but didn’t like them that much.  They were a little short, and while they were very maneuverable, they weren’t so fast on the straightaways.  This year the skis I got are longer, they’re stiffer and lighter than my old skis, and very controllable on different conditions, ice, powder, etc.  But they’re actually close to the length of my old ones.  I’m thinking maybe 5cm shorter would be perfect.

Anyway it was a great day skiing, and we did sixteen runs, which is good amount more then our first trip last year, when we did ten runs.  Michelle is way faster then Jeannie and me now, and just zips right down the mountain. Jeannie and I are thinking of taking a weekend up to the Adirondacks of Vermont or something in a few weeks. 

Wear Your Blizzard Season Coat

We’re coming to the end of another holiday season.  This one was strangely both eventful and uneventful. I guess I should rewind to the week before Christmas.  Michelle came home from college for winter break, but even though we were no longer symptomatic, Jeannie was still testing positive for Covid, so we all kinda did your best to avoid each other for a few days just in case.  Luckily Michelle never got sick.

We had planned a trip up to Buffalo to visit Lizzy and my parents.  Since she had to work both Christmas Eve and Boxing Day, Lizzy wasn’t coming home, so we figured we’d go up for Xmas day this year.  Our original plan was to drive up on the 23rd and catch the Sabres playing that night.  But then there came talk of a coming blizzard.  When they cancelled the hockey game, we figured it was gonna be trouble.

So we stayed home while the storm slammed into town on the 23rd and continued thru Xmas Eve and subsided sometime Xmas day.  It turned out to be a once-in-fifty-years level storm.  We kept in close contact with Lizzy and my folks, and they were all alright.  My folks just hunkered down and waited it out, and fortunately did not loose power.  Lizzy was at work early Friday morning, but closed her store around nine and left for her roommate’s parents’ house in Arcade, away from the lake effect snow belt.  Made it out just in time.

By mid-morning there was a travel ban in the City of Buffalo and all of Erie county.  All our loved ones were safe, so we decided to stay local for Xmas since.  It was actually really nice to have a couple days of down time with no immediate responsibilities.  I worked out and made more progress on my song, and we all played games and watched movies.

We were going to go over to Mary’s Xmas day, but then Lou got Covid, so that was out.  On Xmas Eve Jeannie went out and got a nice rib roast to cook, and her parents came over, so Xmas was low key but fun.  And everyone got Legos.

We headed up to Buffalo on Monday, boxing day.  The travel ban was still in effect for the city, but in the suburbs where my parents are it was okay to drive.  Once we got past East Aurora the amount of snow on the ground increased considerably.  My folks had a good three feet.  Luckily my dad has a giant snow thrower, and they have a friendly neighbor with a plow.

Lizzy couldn’t go home, so she went to my parents’ too.  And Martin showed up with his family.  We spent two days merrymaking, which was most excellent.  On Tuesday Lizzy took a ride to her store just to make sure everything was okay, and snow was still falling.  I tagged along because I wanted to give my old pair of skis and boots to my friend Larry, who lived nearby. Unfortunately, Larry came down with Covid as well, so I just left them on his front porch instead of going in to hang out.  Ah well.  On Wednesday it finally stopped snowing.  We had thought about going skiing but everyone was too tired.  We ran a bunch of errands in the morning then headed home.

I guess we really needed to catch up on our rest cuz the next day everyone slept in until noon. The last few days we’ve been on a fairly leisurely schedule.   Been trying to go for a walk in the brief, thin daylight every day.  More working out, music, games and movies.  Our New Year’s Eve plans were a bust too since our friends had Covid. 

Ah well back to work tomorrow.

Global Jukebox Plos One Article

Over at my other project as lead software developer on The Global Jukebox, I’m happy to announce our article in the peer reviewed journal Plos One has been published:

The Global Jukebox: A public database of performing arts and culture
Anna Wood, Patrick Savage, et. al.

Standardized cross-cultural databases of the arts are critical to a balanced scientific understanding of the performing arts, and their role in other domains of human society. This paper introduces the Global Jukebox as a resource for comparative and cross-cultural study of the performing arts and culture. The Global Jukebox adds an extensive and detailed global database of the performing arts that enlarges our understanding of human cultural diversity. …

Chicago Part I – Beginnings

Just got back from a fantastic trip to the capitol of the Great Lakes, Chicago.  Jeannie had never been there before and I hadn’t been since the 1990’s when I used to go there for work alot, but mainly spent my time in an office park out in the suburbs.

The motivating excuse was COCon, the Chicago Origami Convention.  This is the first time for a Chicago convention, and they had it in one of the big hotels downtown.  We arrived a day early, on Thursday to play tourist in the city.  The flight out there was smooth.  We got up before daylight to get to the airport in time for our flight, and we landed mid-morning.  I slept on the plane so it felt like the start of a new day.  We grabbed a cab, checked into the hotel, and were out walking around the city before noon.

It must be said that Chicago is a great city for walking around.  And the weather was beautiful the whole time.  We were right near the waterfront at a place called Navy Pier, and there was a scenic walkway for bicycles and pedestrians.  Then into a park with a funky piece of public art called The Bean.  It’s basically a giant curved chrome blob that you can walk around and underneath and see really interesting reflections.

The main attraction for the afternoon was the Art Institute of Chicago.  It’s a world class art museum to rival the Met in New York or the one in Vienna.  It’s got a great collection, and very well presented.  Famous paintings on display included Sunday in the Park, American Gothic, Nighthawks, a Van Gogh Self Portrait, and one of the missing stained glass windows from the Darwin Martin House in Buffalo (I wonder if the plan to repatriate that someday) to give you an idea.  Also a wing full of great Asian bronze, pottery and sculptures, going from ancient to contemporary artists, ancient Greek and Roman stuff, and a wing of European art including lots of paintings and sculptures and a whole hall full of arms and armor.  On the way back to the hotel we walked thru the Honorable Richard J. Daley Plaza where they got that Picasso, across from the Cook County assessor’s office.

Walking back to the hotel along the Chicago river we came upon a plaza with some cafes, and stopped for some beers and a late lunch.  Chicago is famous for its architecture, and we were right across the river from some crazy art deco googie tower apartment buildings with parking garages spiraling up the lower half and boat docks in the basement.  In and around the river, the museums and various other places downtown I noticed a pattern on the architecture that I’m calling the Chicago motif.  It consists of a square divided into eight triangle by square cross and an “X”.  Coincidently, this is also the crease pattern of an unfolded waterbomb base.

That night we went out to dinner at a bar across the street from the hotel where they had the football game on.  I had a burger with a fired egg on top, cuz if I’m in a place with that on the menu, that’s what I’ll usually get.  Later we met my friend and colleague Ann Marie, with whom I’ve been on several zoom calls a week the whole year, but never met face to face before.  She invited us to join her and her friends at a different bar downtown where there was a hallowe’en themed burlesque show.  It was a lot of fun, with a very positive vibe, and as she put it, classy with a capital A-S-S.  Afterwards, we walked around downtown for a good hour while Ann Marie played tour guide and pointed out lots of notable things like restaurants, architecture, and historical sites.

Friday we went to another great museum, the Field Museum of Natural History.  It’s alot like the American Museum of Natural History in New York which I know well, but maybe not so large and a little bit more shiny.  Great architecture.  The star attraction was Sue the T-Rex, named after her discoverer Sue the human.  It’s the most complete Tyrannosaur skeleton every found, virtually complete.  The T-Rex is the centerpiece of a great hall of the history of life on earth, with tons of fossils and other artifacts.  There was also a short 3-D film about the discovery, unearthing and preparation of the Sue fossil, and how they analyzed and what they learned about the living creature’s life and death.   It turns out Sue was fully grown, 40 feet long, at 19 years old, and died at 29.  During his or her life he or she suffered nine broken ribs and a fractured tibia and recovered from all of those injuries.  Among the things I never knew I never wanted to know was that Sue was infected by parasite worms that burrowed holes into it’s jawbone.  

For all its attention to scientific detail the film’s CG animation was strangely inaccurate in several ways.  For one, they showed the dinosaur’s gait as having wide-set feet like a sumo wrestler, rather than more plausibly with the feet under the the body.  Second was that whenever the terrible lizard appeared, the other little dinosaurs would wait for it to get close, then turn and shreik at it before running away, rather than running off at the first whiff of trouble like real animals do.  Lastly, in a visualization of an epic battle with a Triceratops a la Disney’s Fantasia, where they conjectured the T-Rex got it’s leg injury, somehow the T-Rex almost effortlessly bites the three-horned adversary on the neck under it’s protective crest.  It’s almost as bad as that bit in Toy Story where the light fixture disappears into the ceiling.

There were also halls of taxidermy, a really nice collection of gems and minerals, and whole hall of jade and carved jade art, a bit of crossover from the day before with artifacts from various antiquated civilizations, shown here for the naturally historic rather than artistic value.

After the Field Museum we hit the Aquarium, which was right next door.  Highlights include beluga whales, dolphins, sharks, sea turtles, jellyfish, eels, tropical coral reefs, cuttlefish, a cool movie about octopus, and a whole section of tanks devoted to Great Lakes fish such as pike, walleye, perch, trout, and bass.

We walked back to the hotel along the lakeshore trail and by the time we arrived, other origami people were starting to filter in.  We spent happy hour at the bar with some friends, and then I set up my exhibit (more on that later).  We went out for dinner for authentic Chicago style deep dish pizza.  Most excellent.  Returned to the hotel for late night folding.  I mostly practiced models I would teach the following day.  

More on the convention itself next.  

In the Spaceship, the Silver Spaceship the Lion Takes Control

It’s been a busy few weeks.  The weather has been alternating between mild and sunny and cold and rainy, so I’ve been getting in a few bike rides a week here and there.  Every time I do I think it might be the last nice day. It’s rainy again this week, and of course it’s getting dark earlier and earlier. A week ago Jeannie and I went for for a hike up a mountain called Anthony’s Nose, which looks down on the Bear Mountain Bridge from the summit.  That’s right folks, there are alot of great hikes in the area, but we picked the nose.

I transitioned in my job from consultant to full time lead staff engineer at the Innovation Lab. Last week was heavy on onboarding and strategic planning and roadmapping meetings, as well as tactical planning for the upcoming release of our mobile app in November.  Also got a new computer and been moving into that.  One night after work last week there was a dinner event hosted by one of our partners in the consortium, and I met some of their engineers and some of their customers, as well as an attorney named Havona who was “raised by hippies” and is now living in Spain so her daughters can train to be future tennis pros.  It’s the first time I’ve been to an event like this since before the pandemic, and it turned out to be alot of fun.

And, I’m looking to hire software engineers with a combination of full-stack and R&D prototyping skills.  Ping me if you fit the bill.

Been folding tons of origami for some upcoming exhibitions.  More on that as it, uh, unfolds.

Also Jeannie got me a lego spaceship recently and I’ve been trying to find the time to build it. More on that as it, uh, comes together.

Lastly, been working on music.  I have two I’m working writing/arranging/tracking: In the Purple Circus, and A Plague of Frogs. Additionally, I have six tracks basically done, but the guitar sounds were all over the place.  Last weekend I went back and worked on putting them into some kind of tonal shape.  The main issue is that there’s lots of low end noise muddying up the mix.  EQ helps but not enough.  When I put it thru an amp simulator it cleans up alot of that but also alters the tone pretty radically into the treble range.  I ended up creating a signal chain with 2 buses, one for the raw guitar mix and another for the amp, then mixing the two of them for the right balance. It made a huge differenceI and I applied this to five songs.  Further tweaking can occur but they’re all in the zone.  Hopefully by the end of this record I’ll have something like “my” guitar sound, or at least a sound I can control.

Mo’ Origami

There’s an origami convention coming up Chicago next month, so I’ve been getting organized about folding some new models for the convention.  Having to do an exhibition is a great motivator.  I’ve also been busy at work, transitioning from a part-time consulting gig to a full time staff position as Lead Engineer of Consumer Reports’ new Innovation Lab. I’ll be building an R&D software engineering team to create prototypes and products around consumer’s digital privacy and data rights.  More on that as the situation comes into being, but soon, having Fridays off will be a thing of the past.

So last Friday I spent a good chunk of the day organizing my origami studio.  Since the start of the pandemic there have not been alot of in-person conventions and exhibits, so I’m really just getting back into it.  I have lots of boxes of half-folded experiments and ideas.  I want to take the best and perfect them and fold them at an exhibit-quality level.  Some of the stuff is pretty complex and ambitious.

While I was at it, I threw out lots of old models.  One has to do this every few years, but it’s always funny because the stuff I’m getting rid of was once some of my best work.  Michael LaFosse told me not too long ago that if the model has a face, like a human or an animal, he can’t bear to tear it up or crumple it.  Instead he unfolds it first, then throws away an unfolded sheet of paper.  I found myself doing that a few times.

I registered to teach classes at the Chicago convention.  I signed up to teach two classes, and am thinking of adding a third.  Among the models I’m teaching is my Space Cat, which I designed at the beginning of the summer, right around the time my jazz and funk band Spacecats decided on its name.  The model is a variation on my Sophie the Cat, restyled with a sleek, atomic age midcentury modern look.  Very hip.

And, it looks like the Origami MIT convention is back this year, after three years off!

New Song – My Ol’ Broke Down Truck

I wrote a country song!  Well sort of at least.  The second in my guitar singer-songwriter experiments, My Ol’ Brokedown Truck is pretty much a traditional country song, although with different lyrics and chord voicings it might be something like a jazz standard from the great American songbook.  I wrote it around Christmastime when I was visiting my parents and my Mum asked me to explain to her Nashville notation.  I did so by way of demonstration, starting by writing down the title and eight bars of chord changes, and then a bridge, and suddenly I had the beginnings of a song. The lyrics also came quite quickly and naturally, and I liked it well enough to to finish it.

I recorded a basic track with guitar, bass drums and vocal. The guitar sound may take liberties with the conventions of the genre, bringing in some energy of bands like Cake or the The Black Keys. The vocal has a low and high harmony part, and I decided it’d sound better with a female voice doing the high harmony. I asked my sister-in-law Mary, who has been in a number of singing groups over the years, if she’d like to do the part. She came in and nailed it, and lifted the song to a whole ‘nuther level.

The hardest thing was to get the right sound for the solo on the intro and middle eight. A sax was definitely not appropriate, and I don’t play pedal steel guitar or fiddle, or banjo or mandolin, and the chords modulate so a harmonica won’t work. I experimented with various synthesizer sounds, trying to harken back to a rare moment in pop music where pedal steel guitars played side by side with analog synths, as exemplified by songs Gordon Lightfoot’s The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald, Billy Joel’s The Great Suburban Showdown, or Jackson Browne’s The Load-Out. But the right tone eluded me. I ended up using a melodica (a funny little keyboard instrument that you blow into) run thru a boxy amp simulator, spring reverb and tremolo effect.


My Ol’ Brokedown Truck

My brokedown truck and my rotten luck
Have left me here stuck by the side of the road
With my bleeding heart I will make a new start
But first I must get my body home
We’ve made many miles together
Sure in sunny and stormy weather
Well I could trade ‘er in for some shiny new tin
But you’ll never find peace while you roam


We’ve rode many roads together
Fast through foul and fair weather
And I might go far in a brand new sports car
But then how can I carry the load?
So I’ll wait here stuck with my rotten luck
And my ol’ brokedown truck

– John Szinger, 2022