Paper Dragon

I’ve been researching videos of origami instructions in preparation for my new book, when I came across a funny thing. It used to be that when you googled “origami dragon” the first link was the diagrams for my Classic Dragon:

Every so often I’d get an email from someone asking how to do step 8 or so. The diagrams are clear, but it’s a complex move that can be difficult for someone who’s not at an advanced level or is not good a reading diagrams. I hadn’t gotten a question like that in a while, and now I know the reason why: someone video’d the step and put it up on youTube:

The video has over 8,000 hits! I’m amazed, I guess a lot of people must be folding my old Dragon. The guy has a youTube channel in which he has video clips f a number of other steps from other models:

I also came across a video for a song called Paper Dragon by a band named Moe. By coincidence I heard them on the radio the same day. This is kind of a big deal for me simply because it’s been a long time since I heard a new band on the radio that I like well enough to want to go and by their record. The group is musically adventurous, which is important to me. They have actual musically creative ideas and can play. They have a vibes player who gives them kind of a Steely-Zappa sound. Plus the subject matter spoke to me. But then I went to try and find their CD, and it looks like they’re a jam band with more live records than studio records, and Paper Dragon is a new song and not on a CD. But then where did the version I heard on the radio come from? Maybe they’re making a CD. Hope so.

New Song: Now and Forever

If you’re a regular reader of this blog, you’ll know that Michelle has taken in interest in my home studio recordings and been working on ways to get into the act. She wrote a song a while back called Now and Forever for her mother. Very sweet. She came up with the lyric and melody and I liked it well enough to record, and helped her by adding chords and a piano part. Together we came up with an arrangement. It was Michelle’s idea to have a tambourine and have Lizzy play a flute solo, and to do the last chorus uptempo with a beat. We started recording it last fall before the Cabaret show and finished over Xmas vacation. I’ve been doing mixes the last couple of weeks and it’s nearly done. The only thing that’s been holding me up is blending the flute FX, but I think it’s pretty much there now. It’ll be ready in time for Jeannie’s birthday. So look for a posting of the audio file here soon.

This is the third song on my next album, whose working title is “Buzzy Third”. Michelle has another song in the works called “Now”. I have three more songs in the works, including a longish, prog-ish number that’s next. But with getting my new band off the ground I’m looking toward changing my approach to recording to be more live-in-the-studio. At the very least I’m working up the songs to play on piano and sing before I start in on recording them.

Now and Forever
Lyrics by Michelle Szinger
Music by Michelle Szinger and John Szinger

I’ve always loved you
And in my dreams
And forever and ever
I’ve always wanted your attention, yeah yeah yeah

Now, now and forever
I’ll be there for you if you need me
Now, now and forever
Now, now and forever
Now, now and forever

The wind blows one way
The earth turns one way
And forever and ever
I’ve always wanted to know why, yeah yeah yeah

Now, now and forever
I’ll be there for you if you need me
Now, now and forever
Now, now and forever
Now, now and forever

Buzzy Tonic Unplugged

I just got back from playing at an open mic at a performance space called The Purple Crayon. It was my first time at the place, and they seem to go out of their way to provide a nice environment for artists. They had a nice PA and a helpful sound man, plus a drum set and grand piano.

When I arrived the crowd and performers were mostly kids. Made me feel really old. They all seem to write in this jingle-jangle post-alternative style, and none of them know many chords or much about melody, but they write these really down and angsty songs. Some of them could sing pretty well at least, and it went over with their friends. Later on there was a better balance of performers. One of the highlights for me was Erik’s daughter Ella, who’s exactly Lizzy’s age, sang a couple songs with Erik backing her up on guitar. She can really sing. We’ve decided that we’re gonna have Lizzy and Ella do the “las wages” part in Show Biz Kids when we do that song.

This was sort of a milestone in the development of my new band. Erik had said he’d made it a goal for the new year for us to do a gig playing three of each of our originals before the end of January. Well we came close. He played two of his songs and I played two of my songs, but each solo.

It was the live debut of a few of the Buzzy Tonic originals I’ve been working up. And it’s also my first ever solo gig as lead singer (while playing piano). And in this case, it was a completely solo performance. I played two songs: Ghost in the Machine, and Get On Back 2 U. It went well, and I feel like I passed a test and am ready to take to the next level.

The songs I played were written with a band in mind, and so the arrangements were very stripped down. Even playing as duo with Erik, I had him doing leads and providing some level of fullness and failsafe on the time, but all that was gone. Further, I usually play on a Fender Rhodes and use its sustain as part of my sound.

But tonite I was on a regular piano. Every single other person there played the guitar. The good news it that it was a grand, and it’s been a long time since I played on a grand, and never before in concert. The bad news is it felt kind of dead and needed a tune-up. The good news is it sounded good from the hall anyway. The other bad news is that the piano was set up so my back was to the audience, which was kind of weird and made it hard to interact with the crowd at the eye contact level. And the mic was set up on the treble side not the bass side, which is the wrong side, because one tends to lean and look down to the left as one is playing to keep an eye on the bass hand.

Ah well, for all that it was a good performance. The whole internet gadget age really paid off because Lizzy captured my songs on her phone and I’ve been able to study them already. When I’ve been practicing I’ve really just been concentrating on the not messing up the piano. So that paid off and my playing was relaxed and fluid and grooving, and any clams were minor and smoothly covered. Now I can take it to the next level and concentrate on putting more into the vocal performance and embellishing the right hand with riffs and all that jazz.


Happy New Year everyone! I had a relaxing and enjoyable holiday. Saw lots of friends and family, did some traveling, some partying, got some rest and got some work done, some shopping, and some good music making and origami time. More on that stuff in upcoming posts. It’s been an extremely mild December, for which I’m grateful. Most days were up in the 40’s and some in the 50’s the last few weeks. Today it was back to work and also turned cold and windy.

Can you believe it was five years since I started this blog? Oh, oh what I want to know, where does the time go?

‘Tis The Season

Been doing lots of holiday stuff the last couple weeks. A trip to the museum, two family holiday parties, three kid’s performing arts shows, and four work-related parties, town halls and similar functions. Whew.

I took the kids to the AMNH a couple weeks ago, and we had a great time. Spent a long time with the dinosaurs and the frogs, and in the hall of minerals. The Origami Tree is in the south hall this year, since they’re doing renovations in the lower hall on the Central Park side. My elephants were featured in the “folding the museum” display at the base of the tree, and they saved a number of my models from years past, which are in the tree.

I also folded some models – a dragon and a moose – as ornaments for the tree at the kids’ school.

Yesterday was the big family xmas party for Jeannie’s dad’s side of the family. A good time and great to catch up with all for Long Island cousins. Today was a party for her mom’s side. Had to skip that one to get some things done.

Our kids a in this after school theatre program, in which they do singing and dancing and acting. They had two different shows last week, one for the younger kids and one for the bigger ones, and it’s pretty impressive the level of the performance. Later this week there’s some kind of holiday play. Lizzy is an angel and gets to say some lines.

There’s been a lot of end-of year holiday parties, for my immediate team, for the platform group, and for the whole company. Our corporate parties tend to be rather boozy affairs, but I survived alright. I’ve been there long enough that I have friends in all different divisions, so it was good to catch up. Then there was a town hall in which our corporate overlords are telling us out of one side of their mouth how the company had a great year and made tons of money, and out of the other how internet piracy is destroying our business and killing innocent people and must be stopped. Umm, yeah.

All this has been great fun, but it’s really hard to get stuff done. Looking forward to taking a few days off this week and getting caught up.

Origami Break

Things are okay with me these days. Busy as usual of course, but having a lot of fun too. The weather has been beautiful, up into the 60’s most every day. Drove my Mustang Saturday.

The main thing is I’ve been preparing for this cabaret show. Learned 40 songs in the last few weeks. Most of them on sax but a few on keyboards, adding orchestra, accordion, organ, etc. to compliment the piano. Finally last week they started having full rehearsals with the band, and I was able to see how what I’d prepared works in context. And, as predicted, there are lot of changes, but I think it’s getting there. One of the high points of the set is Scenes From an Italian Restaurant from Moving Out. Great sax part. Now it’s a matter of making the thing tight, but overall the music is coming together.

So if you’re into this kinda thing, come on down, November 18 – 20 at ICS for the Broadway Then and Now cabaret show. Meanwhile, we have rehearsal every night this week. I told my boss this morning I need to leave a 5 sharp each day this week and I’m taking Friday off, and she was cool with all of it.

In other news, I’ve had an intense origami focus the last few days. I finally finished updating the diagrams for my Dragon a few weeks back, and went on to diagramming my Inchworm, a new model. Then John Montroll came into town for a visit, and we hung out Friday night, going out to dinner and staying up late talking origami. He showed me a bunch of new models form his forthcoming book, Origami Math. John is working at such an advanced level these days, it always gives me alot to think about afterwards. His newer stuff is maybe not as hard to fold, but the underlying designs tend to be deeper. John is famous for his animals, although of late he’s been immersed in more geometric subjects. I’m encouraging him to do a book of Modern Animals, revisiting some of his favorite subjects with his current approach.

Sunday was my day to volunteer to teach origami at the AMNH. It went really well. I taught my inchworm and butterfly, and a new butterfly too. All my models were successful for my students. I’m trying to finish my Butterfly II, because it’s so much nicer to fold than my old butterfly. It works great from a rectangle, but if you fold it from a square you get an extra flap of paper that you can use to make legs.

The girls came with me and folded some wreathes. After the session, we found the secret way from the cafeteria to the whale room. We spent a couple hours in the museum, hitting the highlights, and then went for a nice walk thru central park.

I feel like I’ve been doing tons of driving recently, just scooting around town, and into the city and back. Dropped of Lizzy at some bizarre protopostapocolyptic mall in Yonkers for a Birthday party the other day. Blech.

Time Is The Season

It’s been a really warm September, but the weather yesterday turned cool. Sunday we took out our air conditioner. Monday we woke up and it was 45 degrees out. Last night was the first night we put on the heater. Also the sun’s going down earlier and I don’t have time to go skating after work before it gets dark anymore.