Zero to Sixty in Three Days

Adventure July continues.  Jeannie and I just got back from a long weekend up in Buffalo, with a side trip to Canada.  We drove up Thursday night after work.  Listened to Sheryl Crow’s The Globe Sessions in the car, and early U2.  Friday we had lunch with Larry and Jackie at a place called the New York Beer Project.  Lovely stone and glass architecture, good food and brews.  I learned there’s such a thing as an International Bitterness Unit.  Wonder if applies to coffee, or people, or just beer.

Friday night we went to the wedding of friend Scott and his new bride Sue.  She grew up on Tonawanda and went to my high school, and the church as right near where I grew up, although I’d never been in it before.  The reception was at the old Wurlitzer factory in North Tonawanda, which was unused for many years, but now has a banquet party space in the tower.  The whole thing was very nice.  There were a few friends there with whom I’ve kept in touch with over the years, and a larger circle of people whom I haven’t seen since college and didn’t immediately recognize.  A fun night of catching up.  Congratulations Sue and Scott!

The next day we took it easy.  I went for a walk around the lake with my Dad.  Later in the day I went for a skate around the neighborhood on my rollerblades.  I haven’t done any skating this summer, mainly since I’ve been doing a ton of biking, but my parents’ town is much flatter then mine so it was a good opportunity.  I have an app now to do metrics, so I can say I did two laps of the neighborhood in 35 minutes, just under 5 miles.  That’s about twice as fast as walking and half as fast as biking.  Saturday night we went out to dinner with Lizzy and Josh, at a place on the Lake Erie with a view of the sunset.  Fancy drinks, yummy seafood. The west coast of New York State.

Sunday we went with my parents up to Hagersville, Ontario, hometown of famous drummer Neil Peart of the rock band Rush, for the sixtieth wedding anniversary celebration for my Uncle Gabor and Aunt Mary, a backyard barbecue party.  More good food and wine.  Lots of family on my Mum’s side.  My Uncle Ron and Aunt Emoke, and cousin Barb and her husband Al, such wonderful people I don’t get to see often enough.  Their son Curtis just graduated from university this spring with a degree in biomedical engineering and is working as a field tech way up Sudbury.  His girlfriend is studying computer graphics and animation.  Curtis has my origami book and has folded most of the models.  All my Mum’s cousins were there too. I haven’t seen most of them in many years, since my kids were little.  Many are former tobacco farmers living all over central Ontario, and most of the rest are involved in professional motorcycle racing.  Good to catch up and know that they’re all doing well.

Monday Jeannie and got on the road early, and on the way home stopped at Letchworth Park.  It’s among the most scenic places in New York State, known as the Grand Canyon of the East because of it’s three famous waterfalls on the Genesee River.  Again I hadn’t been there for many years but had visited many times when I was younger, so it was good to check it out and do some hiking.  We stopped for lunch at a place called Big Dipper Barbecue off Route 17.  It’s become one of our favorites.  After so much traveling we have a few weeks off to unwind and get some things done at home before it’s time for the next adventure.