
Last week Lizzy took a class trip to the American Museum of Natural History and while she was there had a chance to check out the origami holiday tree. I had hoped to cruise up there to meet them for lunch and tell the kids a bit about the tree and Origami USA, but alas it was not in the cards. I was stuck in an all day project planning meeting. It got pretty contentious and by the end my boss was openly calling for the bad product manager (you may recall him from a post a few months back) to be sacked. Today was had part two of the meeting, in which some differences were resolved and workable project plans were agreed upon. At one point I had to call out the bad manager and asked him to articulate the difference between his new plan and my existing plan, and he admitted he hadn’t read my plan therefore couldn’t say. So my plan prevailed, much to the amusement of some of my colleagues. Frankly I’d rather avoid all this unpleasantness and stupidity, and I’m beginning to loose my sense of bemused detachment. Although I must say all the developers on my team are really excellent, so I don’t see any deep worries, just management B.S.

In any event, Lizzy and her classmates enjoyed the tree, and she had been the museum before for special folding sessions as well as to see the museum itself. She was able to tell the other kids something about the tree, and even spotted some of my models and took some pictures. In addition to the models I donated this year I was happily surprised to see a turtle which I’d donated a previous year.

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